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Biesseworks Editor Manual Load

воскресенье 14 октября admin 4
Biesseworks Editor Manual Load 4,0/5 5187 votes

The simplest way is for you to accomplish this is to create several small programs in the native Biesse Works environment. Program 1 = 1 vertically bored hole with specified spindle at specified X & Y, Program 2 = line boring using optimized boring with multiple spindle drops, Program 3 = Simple routing program, one line, one arc.contine doing this until all the features you use on the Rover are represented with one program ( saw, aggregates, program with tool changes, etc.) Then send all of them to Bobcam as text files explaining what each does. Hope this helps! I work on a Biesse Rover with Biesseworks. We use CabVision, Artcam and Biesseworks, each has its place. We just did a large cruise ship interior using mostly Autocad DXF files imported into Biesseworks.

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We imported the DXF files into Biesseworks using the manual import function, and then assigned router functions to the geometry on each DXF layer. The buttons to use are on the bottom of the Biesseworks screen. You can route, drill, pocket. You can also set the tool path to the left, right or center of the line, set tool depth, speed, feed rate, etc. Material is set up on the first box on the left side toolbar. After you finish toolpathing, click the magic wand tool to optimize, and then run a simulation.

Importing DXF Files into Biesse Works. Up a new Biesseworks program and then do a 'manual import', or just file-open in Biesseworks. Be reproduced in any. Rishtey full movie anil kapoor dailymotion youtube.

You can also send the optimized toolpath to your machine with a button on the left side. If you have difficultites with optimization its typically an error with a tool path or a problem with the DXF file geometry.

Often if I was not able to mill a pocket due to geometry errors, I chose route instead, and used an offset to mill the pocket. Either that or I fixed the file in Autocad.

When you import, if the imported geometry doesnt fit your material, you can either redraw the DXF file in ACad to have a 0.0 origin, or right click in the import side of the screen, and select move, center horizontal or vertical to get the geometry positioned on the material. When you import from Acad, you need to be sure to convert drawings to polylines. If you don't, Biesse will create a separate line segment out of each Acad line segment, causing the router to lift and replunge at each segment start instead of running a continuous tool path. Also, if areas to be pockets are not closed geometry, Biesseworks will give you an error message if you try to optimize a pocketing toolpath.

Biesseworks has a great functionality in that you can turn on and off each individual milling operation by selecting/deselecting the tool path in the list on the left. For example if you need to drill holes on some units, but not others, you can simply click off the holes you don't want to drill.

Similarly, its very easy to restart a file where you left off by simply unchecking the tool path for each item that has already been cut. Most programs, like Artcam, would require you to either edit the Gcode or rewrite the program to accomplish this. Its a good program, but has a big weakness in the CAD department- its NOT a CAD program really. But it does provide good control over the Biesse rover. Happy routing! Hi all I too am impressed with the power available in Biesse Works. I am importing dxf files into Biesse Nest through the wizard, and am amazed at the way it can be driven through the layer names.