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Castells The Internet Galaxy Pdf Compressor

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This essay is a response to essay ‘Life in the fast lane? Towards a sociology of technology and time’ (2008: 59–77). In that article argued that recent developments in the sociology of temporal change had been marked by a tendency in social theory towards a form of ‘science fiction’– a sociological theorizing, she maintains, that bears no real relation to actual, empirically provable developments in the field and should therefore be viewed as not contributing to ‘a richer analysis of the relationship between technology and time’ (2008: 61). This reply argues that as suggests in her essay, there is indeed an ‘urgent need for increased dialogue to connect social theory with detailed empirical studies’ (2008: 59) but that the most fruitful way to proceed would not be through a constraining of ‘science fiction’ social theorizing but, rather, through its expansion – and more, that ‘science fiction’ should take the lead in the process. This essay suggests that the connection between social theory and empirical studies would be strengthened by a wider understanding of the function of knowledge and research in the context of what is termed ‘true originality’ and ‘routine originality’.

The former is the domain of social theory and the latter resides within traditional sociological disciplines. It is argued that both need each other to advance our understanding of society, especially in the context of the fast‐changing processes of technological development. The example of ‘technological determinism’ is discussed as illustrative of how ‘routine originality’ can harden into dogma without the application of ‘true originality’ to continually question (sometimes through ideas that may appear to border on ‘science fiction’) comfortable assumptions that may have become ‘routine’ and shorn of their initial ‘originality’.

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Overview [ ] The book contains 9 chapters. Castells starts with the history of Internet, focuses on the process of Internet evolution influence our society. He emphasizes the development of Internet from 1962 to 1995, the extension from to. Castells believes that 'The openness of the Internet's architecture was the source of its main strength'. Then he states that the 'Internet Culture' is structured by four kinds of culture including: 'the techno-meritocratic culture', 'the culture', 'the virtual communication culture', and 'the entrepreneurial culture'. Next, Castells analyses the vital status of Internet in the business and economy fields, and he refers to the impact of virtual communication which is based on the Internet communication to the reality in the following chapter.

In terms of the Politics of the Internet, Castells points that 'social movement' and 'the political process' use Internet as a new communication medium to 'acting' and 'informing'. And there is an issue between 'Privacy and Liberty in Cyberspace' relates to 'the politics of the Internet' is mentioned in this book. In the last three chapters, Castells analyses the Internet from, geography and 'the digital divide in a global perspective'. Finally, he talks about the challenges of the network society such as freedom of the Internet. Opening: The Network is the Message [ ] The title used for the preface or introductory text is called 'Opening' and the name given to this Opening is 'The Network is the Message'.

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The Internet Galaxy Reflections on the Internet Business and Society Manuel Castells is one of the world s leading thinkers on the new information age hailed by The. EarthLink is a leading Internet Service provider, offering reliable high-speed internet, safe and affordable. No matter the usage or device, we have you covered. Find the service right for you.

It is a mimicry of 's famous slogan '. By substituting network for medium, Castells reinforces McLuhan's message that, in this case, it is the network which is important not the content. The opening may then be seen to be an invitation to explore the meaning of network via the content of the book. The word network itself is of ambiguous interpretation: infrastructure or society? Both interpretations are at play in the book. Since Castells is by profession a sociologist, then one expects a focus on network as society. Lessons from the History of the Internet [ ] Castells introduces the label to characterize all those who participated with 'big science' and 'military research' in bringing the Internet into being.


The history of the Internet is diverse and well documented. Castells makes considerable use of John Naughton's text, 'A Brief History of the Future', who noted for example that the Request for Comment Feature (RFC), introduced by Steve Crocker in 1969-04-07, not only gave rise to a de facto documenting of the research ideas at the time of their fermenting but also to the Open Source movement. Castells gives his own take on the subject. Ultimately, for him, the Internet is a cultural creation. The Culture of the Internet [ ] 'The culture of the Internet is a culture made up of a technocratic belief in the progress of humans through technology, enacted by thriving on free and open technological creativity, embedded in aimed at reinventing society, and materialized by money-driven entrepreneurs into the workings of the new economy.' It is important to take note of how Castells understands and uses the word Network.