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Fallout 3 Ps3 Save Editor

пятница 21 декабря admin 86
Fallout 3 Ps3 Save Editor 5,0/5 9636 votes

I wrote this application this morning to make it easier to modify S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Traits and player level in save files.

Oct 13, 2009  For Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition on the PlayStation 3, GameFAQs has 3 save games.

It was a pain to do it manually. Some very important notes: -You need.NET Framework 3.5 installed to use it. -It backs up the selected save file everytime you click 'Save' (the back up has.bak appended to the name). If you save a game and try to open it in FO3 and it behaves ackwardly (e.g. Never stops loading). Simply delete the modified save file and remove the '.bak' from the file name to restore your old save. -I do not recommend increasing your level status.

I haven't tried this as there is no real reason to. The reason why I allow you to modify the level is to lower your level which, the next time you gain XP, it forces you to level up again. Keep in mind that you must use all 20 (or 23) skill points every time you level up. You must space yourself out so that you will hit level 20 and still have the 20/23 points to spend otherwise you will get stuck in that dialog. -Because it retrieves the name of the player from the file name, this software does not work on the autosave or quicksave.

I tried to do as best as I can to make sure it cannot corrupt saves but there is a remote possiblity that it can. If you want to be super-dooper careful, manually back up the save you intend to edit to a different directory prior to messing with it. It can only damage a save file when clicking on 'Save.'

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Changes in 1.2.1 (Released ): -Quicksaves no longer appear in the drop down list. -Fixed other minor bugs discovered when working on the Fallout New Vegas Save Editor. Changes in 1.2 (Released 1/5/2010): -Added support for Broken Steel (automatically increases the level limit to 30).

-Allows to change the Save Number and Play Time (not sure if this is working 100%). Changes in 1.1 (Released 12/2/2008): -Updated level code to be more flexible. If attributes worked and level didn't before, level should now work for you. -Added a new warning message for short player names. If your player name is three characters or longer, you will not see it. The warning details how to change your name ('ShowNameMenu' command) should you have to.

Have fun with it and if you have any suggestions, let me hear 'em. There only one console command you need to edit your stats in fallout 3: player.setav??????? ## Ex: player.setav luck 10;(special stats can only be 10) player.setav energyweapons 65;(game coding is wierd, depending on the skill 55-80 will make your pipboy skills read 100, suggest starting off with 50, and bumping it up tell you reach a 100, if its a two words skill just make it 1 word. Same rules still apply with leveling up, you need a skill that you can add 20+ points too or you will get stuck, so just reuse this command to lower a skill if needed.) Using this method will not affect your XP. I just mention the console to add skills to an editor would be a pain since the values are all different and depends if their set as tag skills or not. Being able to add perks would be beneficial Nice work Ford, ya should post the source.

Fallout 4 save game editor

Any new developments? Year old topic I know but, I have been unable to find any other topics anywhere else related to a savegame editor. I recently started Fallout 3 and have the Game of the Year Edition. The S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Stat section no longer works. It stores the changed values (somehow) yet the changes do not register in the status screen. The level section works and I did manage to manipulate the source code code to allow for the increased level cap (now 30).