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Imazing Kod Aktivacii

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The Board of Trustees has just concluded its regularly scheduled meeting. The Board offered no comment on the leveled against Steel by a left-to-right coalition of good-government groups in yesterday’s Washington Post. But the Board did make two moves—one by action, one by inaction—that made perfectly clear where the Board stands on Duke’s future. Inaction In its final meeting before the deadline to apply to Duke’s Class of 2011, the Board remained silent about Mike Nifong’s “separate-but-equal” system of justice for Duke students. Parents considering spending the more than $40,000 annual tuition to send their son or daughter to Duke should, therefore, have no doubt that the institution will remain silent in face of a prosecutor who for Duke students than those used for all other Durham residents. Prospective parents also now can be assured that the BOT has no complaints with the Durham PD’s of meting out greater punishment to Duke students than to all other Durham residents for the same misdemeanor-level offenses. Many might argue that with this silence, Duke’s trustees have failed in their fiduciary duty to the institution.

But Steel, obviously, has a different vision of his proper role. Action The Board the African and African American Studies (AAAS) Program from a program to an academic department. The student-to-professor ratio in the new department is stunningly low: with 15 core faculty members, the program has a mere 33 majors. With the decision, AAAS can set up a Ph.D. Program, to start formally training the next generation of graduate students. The Board ratified a recommendation from the university’s Academic Programs Committee, which passed a resolution stating The AAAS faculty, including those with joint and secondary appointments, have demonstrated an admirable commitment to advanced research, teaching and outreach activities that deserves recognition.” [emphasis added] What type of “outreach activities” have AAAS faculty, of whom signed the Group of 88’s statement, conducted in the last eight months?

Bill anderson said. I believe that Steel, Brodhead, and the Duke BOT have spoken loudly, clearly, and unequivically, and the message is: We don't care that three Duke students are falsely accused of rape and face wrongful convictions. They can go to prison, and they can go to hell, for all we care. The decision to make the AAAS into a full-blown department with potential of doctoral programs, as I see it, was directly related to the false crisis and the 'campus initiatives.'

The next step will be for Duke to be nothing but an re-education camp. By the way, do not think that the people who led the Gang of 88 are going to stop with their demands, which will be insatiable. I think that the Duke 3 need to realize that they are on their own. Duke officially has cut any responsibilities to them, and has said loudly and with clarity that the university does not care what happens to them. I hope that all potential Duke parents and students who are observing this episode fully understand what the BOT is saying. Unless your children fall within a certain political sphere, the BOT and leader of Duke University considers them to be nothing but crap -- albeit tuition-paying crap.

They want your money, but they will abuse you and your children, and expect you to like it. Anonymous said. On the surface, it's very difficult to understand the dynamics that exist among these people who fill the academic halls of Duke University. There are layers upon layers, nuance overlapping nuance.mixed with a mission to serve themselves, primarily, that account for the gross inaction and a Stepford wife-esque acquiescence from those in charge at Duke, continuing to support those who are staging a demarche against the lacrosse players.their own students!