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Install Iis 51 Xp Without Cd

пятница 21 сентября admin 8
Install Iis 51 Xp Without Cd 4,9/5 681 votes

And must have the following properties: Credit Card Prefix Length MasterCard 51–55 16 Visa 4 16 American Express 34 or 37 15 Discover. Install IIS on Windows XP Professional Insert the Windows XP Professional CD into your CD Drive.

Installation on Windows systems Table of Contents • • • • • • • Installing PHP on modern Microsoft Windows systems and recommended configuration with common web servers. Note: If you are looking for information about older systems, such as Windows XP, 2003, 98 or Apache 1.x, see the section. The Official releases of PHP on Windows are recommended for production use. However, you are welcome to build PHP from Source.

You will need a Visual Studio environment. • • (aka Microsoft Azure, Windows Azure, or (Windows) Azure Web Apps). If you make changes to your PHP.ini file, consider the following. (I'm running IIS5 on W2K server. I don't know about 2K3) PHP will not 'take' the changes until the webserver is restarted, and that doesn't mean through the MMC. Usually folks just reboot. But you can also use the following commands, for a much faster 'turnaround'.

At a command line prompt, type: iisreset /stop and that will stop the webserver service. Then type: net start w3svc and that will start the webserver service again.

MUCH faster than a reboot, and you can check your changes faster as a result with the old: phpinfo();?> in your page somewhere. I wish I could remember where I read this tip; it isn't anything I came up with. You can have multiple versions of PHP running on the same Apache server.

I have seen many different solutions pointing at achieving this, but most of them required installing additional instances of Apache, redirecting ports/hosts, etc., which was not satisfying for me. Finally, I have come up with the simplest solution I've seen so far, limited to reconfiguring Apache's httpd.conf. My goal is to have PHP5 as the default scripting language for.php files in my DocumentRoot (which is in my case d:/htdocs), and PHP4 for specified DocumentRoot subdirectories.

I installed by Microsoft Installer, manually, whatever I always received de same error from IIS7. HTTP Error 404.3 - Not Found The page you are requesting cannot be served because of the extension configuration. If the page is a script, add a handler.

If the file should be downloaded, add a MIME map. The IIS7 interface is quite diferent and are not all together like IIS6 The 5.3 version have not any of those files: php5stdll, php5isapi.dll. The installer puts others files in handlers and I decided to use them as substitutes. Nothing done! After that, I discovered that installer do not install these files within the sites, but in the root default site configuration of IIS7. So, I copied the root configuration to my site and them it worked (all others procedures were done e.g.

Copy php.ini to windows folder). Here's how to run dual PHP instances with PHP 5.2 and any previous PHP on Windows 2003: 1.

Right-click My Computer, go to Advanced tab, and click on Environment Variables. Add the two installations and their EXT directories to the Path variable. For example, add: c: php;c: php ext;c: TMAS php;c: tmas php ext; Then, add the newer PHP version's directory as a variable called PHPRC. Vodi For example: Variable:PHPRC Value: C: PHP Click OK to close the Environment Variables window, and click OK to close System Properties. In registry, under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>SOFTWARE>PHP, add a REG_SZ key called iniFilePath and give it a value of the directory where the older PHP is installed. For example: C: TMAS PHP 3. In IIS, go to the Web Service Extensions.

Add both versions' ISAPI module separately to the extensions list, and allow both. In IIS, go to each website utilizing the PHP versions.

Set an ISAPI filter if needed. On the Home Directory tab, click Configuration, and add.php,.php3,.phtml, and any other extensions needed (perhaps.html?) to be filtered through PHP, and specify the ISAPI module version needed for each website. You can now run two versions of PHP.

This is because the order of where to look for the.ini file changed between previous PHP versions and PHP 5.2, as documented at --------------------------------------------------- php.ini is searched in these locations (in order): * SAPI module specific location (PHPIniDir directive in Apache 2, -c command line option in CGI and CLI, php_ini parameter in NSAPI, PHP_INI_PATH environment variable in THTTPD) * The PHPRC environment variable. Before PHP 5.2.0 this was checked after the registry key mentioned below. * HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE PHP IniFilePath (Windows Registry location) * Current working directory (for CLI) * The web server's directory (for SAPI modules), or directory of PHP (otherwise in Windows) * Windows directory (C: windows or C: winnt) (for Windows), or --with-config-file-path compile time option. Windows 7 64-bit iso. IIS setup: 403 forbidden error.