Is a Single-player and Multiplayer Strategy and Chess-like Board video game developed by Krisalis Software and published by Lego Media. The game takes place in the Lego-themed world and features three different modes such as Tutorial, Versus, and Story.
Do battle on special chess sets starring Western or Pirate Minifigures, or play with a traditional chess set built from LEGO bricks. View the amazing 3-D action from an infinite number of angles. Challenge your friends to a game, in person or over a network. Includes a tutorial section, written by a professional chess. Game Title, Lego Chess. Document Type, Manual. Platform, PC (DOS/Windows). Author, axeman99 (stats). Filesize, 2.07 MB. Downloads, 850.
In Single-player mode, the player can compete against AI opponent with a task to eliminate all the foes on the board and to be the last. It offers turn-based strategic gameplay, in which the player has to take his turn, play his move by commanding the soldier and struggle to eliminate the enemy.
The short video plays, displaying the character being caught, as the piece of the player is captured. In Story mode, the player can pick either a pirates theme or a western.
Serial key cyberlink powerdvd 7. Three are three chess tournament in each theme where the player needs to battle against AI opponent. The player will learn how to play chess from the basic movement of different pieces in Tutorial mode. With challenging gameplay, brilliant mechanics, and wonderful graphics, Lego Chess is the best game to play.
Overview The game featured a western themed board and a pirate themed board. During a game, if a piece is captured, a short video plays of the captured character being caught. Because all the pieces have their own animation for capturing all the other pieces (barring the king), there are 140 total animations. Specifically, there are 60 western themed animations, 60 pirate themed, and 20 other animations: one for completing tutorial mode, one as an introductory cartoon, and three each for pirate story mode, western story mode, winning pirate, losing pirate, winning western, and losing western. Awards Editor's Choice Award, Children's Software Revue (US) Outstanding Award, Educate On-line (UK).