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Pc98 Game Download

воскресенье 28 октября admin 54
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• • • • • • • • • • • • • Community Project: FreeDOS(98) Disk Image Introduction Hello reddit, this is 98digger. As interest in the PC-9800 series grows, more and more people are likely to consider purchasing the real hardware. The actual hardware can cost, including shipping, the same price as a New 3DS XL.

This is actually very affordable compared to many other retro computers (heck, just look at the prices on Amigas nowadays). Many Japanese businesses looking to get rid of old office equipment sell PC-98 on Yahoo! Auctions for good prices - but with no hard drive included. Why not just download an MS-DOS image?

Because it is illegal. I do have to say, if Microsoft was not holding onto the rights of MS-DOS as tightly as they are, then it is likely NEC themselves would have open-sourced MS-DOS for PC-98 years ago. Sharp, the creators of the X68000, were not bound by Microsoft copyrights, open-sourced their Human 68k operating system.

But anyways, until Microsoft changes its mind about MS-DOS, we must look to alternatives instead to get our PC-98s running. What do we do, then? Take IBM clones into consideration. What free ms- dos clone do we use on those?

I forget how many devices the Home and Student version is allowed to be installed on. Broderbund 3d home architect 2 free download. I can see how 5 people using MS Office for $2/mo sounds good. But if I had multiple people who needed it, I would then look into buying a larger number of licenses, and installing it.

Yep, FreeDOS. There exists a PC-98 version of FreeDOS called 'FreeDOS(98)', which was in development until 2005. It was not totally completed, but it is functional enough to run a good amount of software, including MSDP, the Touhou Project games, the original Corpse Party, and many others. The Dilema As I have posted about and, FreeDOS(98) is difficult to get working on real hardware. Within T98-Next (PC-98 emulator), I have been able to run the Touhou games using the 'XMZ' driver for XMS, and EMM386 (DO NOT put it in Config.sys) for the EMS. Lotus Land Story, Mystic Square, and Corpse Party were all tested and confirmed to work by me. The FreeDOS(98) hard disk image I used is the 'Zai' one.

This 40MB image includes a game (likely a VN of some sort), but the guide (posted below) said to erase it. I added several XMS and EMS drivers to the image and burnt it to a 2GB Transcend CF card (erased the.NHD header first), which I then used as a hard drive in the PC-98 via an adapter. I own an IDE-based unexpanded PC-9821 Ce2. While the image boots, various reading/writing errors accompanied it. Corpse Party, the first game I tested, locked up at an 'ERROR DRIVE C' screen after the intro sequence ended. By erasing all drivers from CONFIG.SYS, I was able to get the game to work without issues. With the Touhou games, I had to add the XMZ driver to CONFIG.SYS.

Opening the.exe files that unpack and install the Touhou games (demo versions) worked until it tried writing 'MAIN.EXE' and another file, where it stated 'Error reading from drive c. Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail?' I pressed ignore on Lotus Land Story's.exe a couple of times and it did extract, but when I launched GAME.BAT, the game displays the same error twice on the 'ZUN Soft' intro. Hitting ignore a couple of times allows the game to actually run properly.

The other Touhou games, specifically Mystic Square, become horribly corrupted and fail to run past the 'Options' screen that first appears when you run the PC-98 Touhou games. What could be the problem? I'm not exactly sure. I think it is two things: 1.), the disk image does not fill the entire card and generates errors due to this, or 2.) The XMS and EMS drivers were meant for emulators and do not work well on real hardware.