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Playstation 3 Update Version 366

воскресенье 16 декабря admin 26
Playstation 3 Update Version 366 5,0/5 8216 votes

Oct 3, 2017 - PS3 Homebrew Brewology PS3 PSP WII XBOX. Payload support for CEX 3. Changes in VSH PRX Loader 1.

An update to the system software was released on 7 September 2010. If you update your PS3 system, the system software version will be 3.42 and the following features will be updated. In order to download PS3 system software version 3.42, you will need a minimum 168MB of free space on either the PS3 Hard Disk Drive (System Update) or on removable storage media (). Main features in system software update version 3.42 * A patch has been added to address security vulnerability in the system software. I never expect any new features in firmware updates anymore since the launch of the PS3 most people wanted X-Game **VOICE** Chat (Not text) and still we dont have it:( im glad you are stopping the exploits of the PS3 but what i read about the Jailbreak seems people could add custom firmware and new features:/ After you upset alot of people by removing OS Support because one GUY claims he has access to the PS3 you could have atleast give us some new features:/ ones that people want like x-game chat etc. You then advertised PS+ to have X-Game chat and then it suddenly dissapeared and Sony denies it! Come on Sony its about time this got sorted and we start getting new features.

Im also disapointed about the fact Xbox has alot more features than PS3, i know MS specialize in software but not in consoles if you still want to win this market give the community wot it deserves! @ TheHappyTurtle you dont have to understand it wasnt for you either but i try to explain better for you people complain about another firmware update that fix the jailbreak hack its good they fix it, otherwise gamedevelopers leave ps3 alone, becuase they dont want to lose money on illegal downloaded games.

As long ps3 is unhacked, we get more and more exclusive ps3 releases. So i dont care if i have to update my ps3 2 times a week, as long it keeps unhacked. You understand now? Simple deep house torrent download. Becuase i dont typ it again:P.

This would’ve been a great service to the playstation community and curved the desire to hack our favourite console, if it had both single handedly closed the vulvernability and given us back Linux. We ended up losing a feature and for what? We still have to play this game.

I like many others want Linux back. We lost it for no reason whatsoever. Jailbreak has now proven this. You should’ve invested proper time to close the security vulnerabilities then and kept the system open for the community.


Instead you have angry people wanting to open it up again, even more than it was before. @killzonexxx I’m not against developers and Sony protecting their intelletual property, as a software dev myself I’m all for it. But when the protection inconviences the end-user you know you’ve messed up. As for protection leading to more exclusives I completely disagree with you. The Xbox360 was hacked years ago and they still get exclusives. As for this latest patch a quick google will tell you it’s already been hacked. Hours, that’s all it took!!