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Software For Smart Card Reader Writer

суббота 13 октября admin 82
Software For Smart Card Reader Writer 4,3/5 1957 votes

This program can be used to monitor ACS PC/SC or CCID smart card readers used in a system, and to automatically analyze the ATR of any card when it is inserted into the reader. An ATR can also be entered manually for analysis. ACS PC/SC Smart Card Readers. All cards that the reader supports. Win98, WinME, Win2000, WinXP, WinVista. ACS Quickview.

I have recently got this smart card reader. In the description it says that it can be used to read data from fidelity smart cards, library cards, etc.

Smartcard: an inexpensive BASIC programmable smart card - program your own smartcard BasicCard is a programmable SmartCard This is our 'No-Frames-Area', for those of you having the Nokia Communicator or other tiny little things:-) ZeitControl’s BasicCards were developed with the aim of making the programming of smart card applications as simple and inexpensive as possible. There are currently two versions available: the Compact BasicCard, with 1K of EEPROM, and the Enhanced BasicCard, with 8K of EEPROM. Elliptic Curve Cryptography requires the Enhanced BasicCard; this card is available for $4.35 in small quantities. A BasicCard application is programmed in ZeitControl’s ZC-Basic language.

Software For Smart Card Reader Writer

Raspolozhenie ordenov medalej na paradnom kitele armii rf. This language is similar to Microsoft ® Visual Basic, with special features to facilitate the implementation of ISO-compatible commands. An application will typically consist of two programs: the Terminal program, running in a PC and issuing commands; and the BasicCard program, running in a BasicCard and executing those commands. The commands are compatible with ISO standard 7816-4, so it is not necessary to program both ends in ZC-Basic. For instance, you can write a ZC-Basic Terminal program to talk to a German Geldkarte; or you can program a BasicCard in ZC-Basic to respond to ISO commands from a card reader in a bank.

(We have done both these things; fortunately the highly-secure Geldkarte system offered us no temptations that we had to resist.) So ZC-Basic is an amphibious language, running equally happily in a PC or in a BasicCard. With a few exceptions, the Elliptic Curve library presents the same user interface on both platforms. 2 Elliptic Curves in Basic? Basic is a much-denigrated language. It has been estimated (by Microsoft, admittedly) that 70% of all programs are written in Basic; but I have never met anybody who claims to be a Basic programmer. Perhaps I move in the wrong circles.

In any case, when ZeitControl came to me eighteen months ago and asked if I could make them a Basic card, my immediate response was, “Surely you mean Java card?” “No, no”, they said, “we want to build a Volkswagen, not a Ferrari! Look out of your window – how many Ferraris do you see in the street?” And they were right. Basic has proven to be perfectly adequate for smart card applications, and free of all the implementation headaches associated with Java cards.